Have you heard of this new show called Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution? I had seen the commercials and hadn't thought much of it until a friend started talking about it. It sparked my interest and I went to hulu.com to watch it (I only watched the 2nd episode) and there I was inspired by this chef who was fighting so hard to make a change in the way our kids are fed at school. I've often thought about the poor food options offered at the local schools but figured there was nothing I could really do about it. Well now in a small way there is...I was so inspired by this new show that I went to the show's website and found that there was a petition to sign that would be presented to the President. So far there are 93,125 signatures!! (WOW!!-see it here)
You can go here to check out the site and the petition and do a little something to help our kids.
The Coupons to Help You:
One of the big problems schools say is that it is hard to feed kids healthy food and still stay within the schools food budget. Well I have a tight budget in my house and I keep my family eating healthy by using COUPONS!! So I thought I would list some of the great sites that I get organic food coupons from so that you can help feed your family healthy foods while staying within your homes food budget :-)
Click on the images below to print great coupons!

Check out Affluent Pauper for more links to organic coupons.